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Not Mayberry

Can a shy, retiring teacher from the big city find true happiness in the small town of Wilkesboro NC, which even the locals call "Moonshine Capital of the World."

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Location: Wilkesboro, North Carolina

Sunday, December 17, 2006

"Apocalypto" made me sick!

Well, not exactly, but I did get sick in the middle of it. It's an extremely violent story about the ancient Mayans back in the days when their civilization was going caca in a hurry - at least so far as Mel Gibson tells it. I may do a review of it someday.

But I was already feeling a little sick when we started for the movie. Several of us went, Clovis, Maeréad's dad, and a couple of colleagues. About halfway through, just as the Mayans were gearing up for the big sacrifice scene I had to run to the bathroom. I stuck it out until the end, but had to duck out a couple of times again.

I felt so bad when it was over that I had Maeréad's dad drive my car over to his house. From their place it is another half hour down the mountain to our house, so we all decided that I would stay over. Maeréad was delighted and wanted to jump on my tummy to celebrate. When I told her that was a bad idea because I might throw up her eyes lit up and I realized that was the wrong thing to say to a four year old. A very curious four year old.

Fortunately her folks dissuaded her and got her off to bed. We stayed up and watched the Attila the Hun episode of Terry Jones' "Barbarians" TV show. Then I was off to the little guest room by 9:30 - an impossibly early hour for me. Slept through the night fairly well and didn't get up until about 9:30 the next day. Felt a lot better.

Good enough to drive home anyway. Since then I have been laying around the house reading. It's nice when you have a good medical excuse to behave the way you want to anyway.


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