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Not Mayberry

Can a shy, retiring teacher from the big city find true happiness in the small town of Wilkesboro NC, which even the locals call "Moonshine Capital of the World."

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Location: Wilkesboro, North Carolina

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Update on Trouble ....

... aka Little Mr Miggs, or, Máeráed's brother. Seems he has been giving his mother a compelling argument for heavy drinking, if not child abuse. Here is the whole ugly story from the Murty and Maire family blog, as told by Maire:

I was making dinner (pasta with spicy Italian sausage + cannellini beans) and Martin was watching the kids. Next thing I know Mickey came running over to me with GREEN GOO pouring out of his mouth. He threw up more green at my feet. As I frantically cleaned up his face and mouth and got him spitting more green out, he dropped the tiny tube of green acrylic pain he'd been clutching. Apparently he stole it from Maggie's art supplies, and bit the friggin' tube just to see what it was.

Two different poison control centers have assured us that as long as he isn't coughing (which would mean he'd aspirated some), acrylic paint is water-based and almost certainly non-toxic.

Almost certainly. Great.

I brushed his teeth, his tounge, the backs of his teeth and the lining of his cheeks. I scrubbed the inside of his mouth with paper towels. I washed his hands multiple times. And I made him spit. A lot. The green seems gone and he ate dinner happily. And he's reassured me he'll never try to eat green paint again. No promises about purple, though.

Well, I guess he decided in this time of climate weirdness to go green.

it apparently is more restful to be a notional uncle than a real mom.



Anonymous Maire said...

I have it on very good authority (one of Martin's aunts in Dublin) that Mickey picked the green paint in order to celebrate his Irish heritage.

10:50 AM  
Blogger Clemens said...

Along with celebrating his Vietnamese heritage by going bottomless?

7:59 PM  

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