"Saving Private Benjamin"...... Ben, or Private Benjamin as I sometimes call her, is Carmen's favorite little cat. We thought she was a boy when we gave her that name. Anyway, Ben is convinced that Carmen is her mom, and Carmen loves little Ben with all her heart.
When we came home this evening from a week down in that steaming, fetid, hellhole to our south,
Mosby the grey cat sauntered out to meet us like we had only been gone for a few hours. But Ben was no where to be found. We looked all over the place, in all the usual hiding places. Time passed and Ben did not pop out like she always does. We looked some more. No Ben. Carmen was in tears, convinced something terrible had happened.
I even took the little lummox out for another walk just in case he was frightening Ben. No Ben.
Finally, I thought, where is the last spot on earth that %^0!! cat could be? So I pulled the stove out of its niche in the
cabinets, and there was Ben.
Carmen is
relieved, and now Ben is wandering around the house yelling at us for being gone so long. I think she just figured out a new way to punish Carmen.
And me. I thought I was going to have to go out and live in a barrel somewhere until Carmen settled down. .