We went to Washington a few weekends ago for the big Haskins Conference. Had a great time. Went to a wonderful Vietnamese restaurant with Fred, a friend from grad school [above right].
Then we met my old college room mates, the librarians, and they took us to the Cactus Cantina - a Mexican place that has several Cuban specialties [above left]. So, Carmen and I both had the bistek cubano.
What is Haskins? Where did you stay?
What is the name of the Vietnamese Restaurant? (A litle more detail, thank you.)
Haskins is a medieval society for nerdy academics; they have a conference every year. Scott like to attend without his underwear.
It's called "Miss Saigon" on M Street, which is the main drag to Georgetown.
And I did NOT go without just my underwear. I went without any spare clothes because our luggage was lost.
(Which is embarrassing because we drove)
Do you realize you just argued that you'd prefer to be known as senile than a bit risque?
Well, the senility has more versimillitude.
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