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Not Mayberry

Can a shy, retiring teacher from the big city find true happiness in the small town of Wilkesboro NC, which even the locals call "Moonshine Capital of the World."

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Location: Wilkesboro, North Carolina

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Bikes along the Yadkin

This last Saturday I went for a bike ride down 268 along the Yadkin with about 92 other bikers. Quite an experience. I did about 22 miles and was afraid I wouldn't hold up because of the age of my frame (bike and body), but I did fine. Although now I want to get all those neat biking togs everyone else was wearing.

The weather was perfect - clear and sunny but not hot. As we biked through the upper Yadkin valley we were mostly in shade. The countryside is peaceful, rolling and beautiful. I made it a bit past Whipperwill Academy before turning back. Next year with a better bike I may try to last until Fort Defiance. The youngest biker, I think, was 12 yr old Kerry Souther. Luther Ashby was the oldest at 74. Not sure, but I think I ran him a close second, or maybe it was just my bike. I felt great when it was finished and was ready for the rest of the day (which involved driving to Winston to see "Howl's Moving Castle).

It was an event sponsored and run by the Brushy Mountain Cycling Club. If you like to bike you should be a member. They do good work in promoting cycling in Wilkes county and could use your help. Events such as this as well as their work on new bike trails will help bring bikers into the area and that will help the local economy. As well as providing a delightful way of staying in shape. Of the many good things about living in Wilkesboro, the long bike rides through the county are among the best. If this sounds like nothing more than a puff piece it is because I enjoyed it just that much.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What could possibly be said about a biking event that had to be removed?

2:12 PM  
Blogger Clemens said...

You'd be surprised.
Actually, it was machine generated spam sent out to thousands of blogs to sell us something or other.
I think I've fixed that problem.

3:19 PM  

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